2019 Year End Appeal

Dear Friend,

A noticeable trend of advanced ages and chronic health problems in companion parrots is occurring – one we anticipate will continue. As we enter our second decade as a nonprofit organization, our commitment to providing a nurturing environment for displaced birds remains the same. However, our financial obligation to the supportive and emergency care of our residents becomes more of a burden with the rising average age of our flock.

Please help us plan TODAY, to ensure quality medical care TOMORROW.

Caring for even the healthiest parrot is costly, but as they age, they can be susceptible to a multitude of challenging conditions. In our current flock we manage atherosclerosis, liver disease, cataracts, blindness, deafness, allergies, digestive dilemmas, arthritis, lipomas, egg-binding and other severe hormonal issues. As we look to the future, we continue to pledge the best care for every resident while they await future adoption, regardless of their unique medical needs. We are asking for your assistance in guaranteeing our parrots the healthiest outcome possible through both preventative and emergency care.

With warmth & gratitude,

Free Flight